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Another problem that has emerged from the overuse of internet is going blind to real humanitarian issues. They are constantly overshadowed by much simpler events in the media, such as celebrity drama, the best new music, who just won in the sports world, and what is going on on the most popular tv shows. You are more likely to hear about those things than natural disasters, deaths and tragedies, because everyone is so engulfed online in media. Staying distracted online is taking everyone’s attention away from the things that need attention the most. To fix this problem, we could use large social media platforms to inform of everyone these news stories that need to be heard. While the major events usually turn up on social media, it is not enough. Celebrities are still getting more attention than those dying in third world countries. Young adults are the future, and they have the power to change the world. Thomas King, in his TEDx talk “Adults, we need to have the talk”, says “I don’t know for sure what the world will look like in twenty years, but what i can guarantee you is that it won’t look anything like it does today.” There is no stopping our changing world, so why don’t we work to make it the best future possible, using the technologies we have? If the internet is one of our most powerful resources, we should be using it to benefit those all around the world, instead of getting distracted by it.



Another issue caused by overuse of the internet is going blind to real humanitarian issues. They are constantly overshadowed by much simpler events in the media, such as celebrity drama, the best new music, and who just won in the sports world. These are more common to hear about than natural disasters, deaths and tragedies, because everyone is so engulfed online in media. Staying distracted online is taking everyone’s attention away from the things that need attention the most. A solution would be to use large social media platforms to inform everyone of these news stories that need to be heard. Major events do turn up in the media, but celebrities are still getting more attention than those dying in third world countries. Young adults are the future, and they have the power to change the world. Thomas King states “I don’t know for sure what the world will look like in twenty years, but what i can guarantee you is that it won’t look anything like it does today.” There is no stopping our changing world, so why don’t we work to make it the best future possible, using the technologies we have? If the internet is one of our most powerful resources, we should be using it to benefit those all around the world, instead of getting distracted by it.
